Don’t be Duped by Photos
Beware of numerous internet sites that have duped thousands by using
PHOTOSHOPPED photos creating unrealistic expectations.
Don’t be duped by photoshopped photos.
PHOTOSHOPPED and ‘Doctored’ results pictures are a plague amongst unscrupulous Teeth Whitening Practitioners.
How can you tell?
There are several ways.
Here are three common ‘red flags’
1/ If the teeth are in the exact same position in both the before & after photo.
It’s impossible to replicate the same teeth position 1-hour after the first photo.
2/ The wrinkles in the lips are exactly the same in each picture.
3/ The After photo has a ‘Blue Hue’ to it.
Lips and gums appear ‘bluish’ in the after photo.
By adding a blue hue ‘doctors’ the photo to make whites look whiter than they are.
The ‘Shark’ and ‘Donkey’ photos used on this page demonstrate how easy it is to embellish results.
Teeth Whitening Associates Guarantee that NONE of the results pictures on our website have been photoshopped.
Using the Worlds most advanced Professional System we don’t need to.
Therefore, we can promise you that there is NO OTHER SYSTEM that will cosmetically whiten your teeth MORE, including LED & LASER.
Independent Clinical tests prove it (Ref 1)
Just to show how easy it is for someone to photoshop their before & after pix, this one took us just 4-minutes. It is a very simple ‘trick’ many wedding photographers use.
Our Ethical Guarantee:
NONE of the promo photos on our website have been ‘doctored’.
We don’t need too because we only use Medical Grade, Dental Strength Equipment & ‘Professional Use Only’ medical-grade teeth whitening products.
1. Patel A, Louca C, Millar BJ. An in vitro comparison of tooth whitening techniques on natural tooth color. British Dental Journal 2008:204(9):E15;discussions 516-7.
2. Sulleman M, Addy M, Mac Donald E, Rees JS. Journal of Dentistry 2004;32:295-9
3. Leonard RH, Sharma A, Haywood VC. Quintessences International 1998;29:503-7
4. Matis BA, Mousa HN, Ecbert GJ. Clinical evaluation of bleaching agents of different concentration