How IONISATION Provides a Safer Clinic Environment, Enhances your Well-being
and Teeth Whitening results
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Built in ionisation air filtration produces Negative Ions that help provide a Safer Clinic Environment, Enhances your Well-being and Teeth Whitening results.
The science behind the ioniser is simple: it passively produces negatively charged ions that are released into the air. As these negative ions meet contaminants, bacteria and Viruses, they attach and give these air particles weight, bringing them down to surrounding surfaces to later disinfect or vacuum.
Negative ions are also capable of deactivating bacteria and viruses in the air.
In this time of pandemic, it is good to know that BEYOND accelerators are a complement to measures taken by Clinical staff to promote a safe environment.
Negative ions are oxygen ions that have an extra electron attached and naturally occur in nature.
We all know that taste in the air and feeling you get at the beach, near a waterfall or after a storm. This is your body being saturated by the positive natural benefits of negative ions.
Negative ions are considered an important contributor to good health, and there are many published studies that suggest breathing the special oxygen, abundant in negative ions can have a significant influence on improved mood with overall mental and physical health and well-being.
Ionisation as used on both the Beyond II Ultra and Polus Ultra not only provides a cleaner healthier clinic environment for both Practitioner and Client,
Negative Ions also assist oxidisation of the Whitening Gel
This therefore stimulates the Redox Efficacy* of the whitening gel and contributes to faster & whiter results that any other system on the planet.
(*Redox Efficacy, is the capacity to produce a desired effect; in this case whiter teeth faster)
More about Ionisation > Click Here
The Science behind Ionisation > Click Here