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Teeth Whitening

Helping Professionals Create Whitest Smiles Since 2008

Teeth Whitening Training


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What Others are Saying

None of our results photos in What Others Are Saying have been Photoshopped or enhanced, they are genuine results, they have however, been selected as ‘best case’ examples. Because the natural colour of teeth varies individually personal results can differ.

Age: 23
Sales Assistant

“I had heard the buzz about whitening.

Some of my friends had gotten it done. But I didn’t want a lot of hassle or to change my day-to-day routine.

That’s what was great about the BEYOND™ System.

Only one hour and I was done, and my teeth reached the whitest shade on the scale!”

Age: 31

“After being a smoker for several years my teeth were yellow and dull and not very attractive.

When I heard about the BEYOND™ treatment I decided I should give it a try.

And it really improved my smile.”

Age: 22

“A few years ago, people always used to compliment me on my white teeth.

But lately, they had been getting more and more yellow, and no one noticed them anymore.

It must have been all the coffee I was drinking to stay up late studying.

My classmate recommended the BEYOND™ procedure to me, I tried it, and now everyone notices my white teeth again.”

ALL photos on our site are natural

Don’t be Duped by Photoshopped Results